Friday, March 27, 2020

Pixies and Pandemics

Quickly, this blog no longer lives in Alna, Maine, though my house, and my barn, and most of my stuff are still there.

My horses and I moved back to my natal neighborhood of Ojai, California in 2016, and now I've re-booted the blog because all of us who live in the State have been told to go to our rooms for the good of all. Suddenly, I have plenty of alone time to ponder this old thing.

Ojai Pixies are a thing. So is this motherfucking pandemic. Order the Pixies to be delivered while you're inside waiting for COVID-19 to walk on by.

Down to one horse who lives in the barn here at Ojai Valley School, now closed due to the MFP, I'm happily hunkered in a dorm room living on peanut butter, crackers, kale from the abandoned Garden Club plot, and tamales from Santa Paula's Garden Market – sorry about the FB link. Order those, too, if you possibly can.

Here's the view from my commute:

More later. xoxo

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